
11144 articles found.
European sources, November 30, 2023 Right to disconnect: implementation and impact on company level The rise in telework and more flexible working patterns, speeded up by the pandemic, has intensified ... [open]
Iceland, November 29, 2023 Wage differancials According to recent data, the earnings of gay men are 30% lower than those of heterosexual men on an ... [open]
European sources, November 29, 2023 Steel social partners commit to sustainable transition With energy and raw material costs remaining high, global overcapacity continuing to increase, and no... [open]
Greece, November 29, 2023 Taxi drivers on strike Taxi drivers announced a new strike because of the government’s tax reform proposal concerning freela... [open]
Norway, November 29, 2023 Employees excluded from collective agreement Over 3,000 working members of trade union Fagforbundet are on trade union benefits without a register... [open]
Spain, November 28, 2023 Wages increase stronger than agreed in collective bargaining Salaries for new vacancies are growing at a year-on-year rate of 6% compared to the 3.4% wage increas... [open]
Cyprus, November 28, 2023 New bill tackles standing for long hours at work A bill will be tabled to parliament requiring employers to provide suitable seating for the thousands... [open]
Austria, November 28, 2023 9.2% pay increase for social economy After 16 hours of negotiations a collective agreement was reached between the trade union vida and th... [open]
France, November 28, 2023 Four-day week at supermarket chain Employees working at Lidl supermarket have been entitled to a four-day week. A different pace of work... [open]
Liechtenstein, November 28, 2023 Union focuses on reduction of working hours In addition to making up for past real wage losses and demands in the range of 2.5 to 4%, the trade u... [open]

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